Connected Places
Connecting key strategic sites and driving inward investment across the region's economic growth zones. Providing gigabit-capable connectivity to future-proof our region, aligned with the digital transformation agendas of our public sector partners. Dedicated fibre networks are providing the foundation for future collaboration between local government, health and education.
The social value element of the projects in this workstream are bringing additional benefits and investment to communities in each county, addressing digital inclusion and connecting more homes and businesses.
The challenge of bridging the gap in connectivity is widely recognised, especially in rural areas where costs to build gigabit capable networks can be prohibitive.
The regional programme team and Local Authority Broadband Engagement Officers are monitoring progress of both commercial rollout and delivery of Project Gigabit through extensive data analysis, which is a critical part of the team's work and has informed where the programme needs to direct its capital funding to ensure we connect as many homes and businesses as possible.
Next Generation Wireless
Working collaboratively with industry and Welsh and UK Government, this workstream supports the rollout of 4G/5G across the region.
This workstream is also driving innovation across key sectors establishing centres of excellence in health and life sciences, creative industries and visitor economy, transport and logistics, agri-tech, energy, smart manufacturing and skills. Our 5G Innovation Fund provides capital funding to build the digital infrastructure needed for other City Deal Projects and Programmes to realise the benefits of 5G and advanced wireless networks. Enabling them to fully exploit the use of IoT and adopt emerging technology.
Benefits realisation
Farrpoint Ltd. have been appointed to conduct an independent annual benefit impact assessment, mid term and end of programme economic impact appraisal. From 2021 - 2023 the region has benefitted from £66.1m overall investment from the City Deal, the public and private sector to improve fixed and mobile connectivity.
The Mid-Term Economic Impact Appraisal shows that the overall programme is now expected to increase regional GVA to £341.7 million over 15 years, up from the previous estimate of £318.8 million. The analysis also highlights that the Digital Infrastructure Programme has the potential to generate over £104.2 million in additional socio-economic benefits for the region.